OUR WORK ICRAA record-breaking global robotics event JOSE CUERVO EXPERIENCE A rich and rewarding brand experience BRITISH SOCIETY OF GASTROENTEROLOGY: BSG LIVE’23Flawlessly executing a complex flagship event StellantisO2 Logistics LANDSECRelaunching employee awards with a party to end all parties ILDSWorld Skin Summit NATIONAL HOUSE BUILDING COUNCIL PRIDE IN THE JOB AWARDS Making everyone feel like a winner EUROPEAN ORTHODONTIC SOCIETYGrowing audiences and re-building engagement INEOS AUTOMOTIVE: GLOBAL RETAILER VIRTUAL CONFERENCELaunching a major new automotive brand BMW CORPORATE FLEET PROGRAMME Helping BMW stay on top of an ever-changing world PERSONAL FINANCE SOCIETY FESTIVAL OF FINANCIAL PLANNING A financial conference so different it got Twitter talking NISSAN MOTOR GB VIRTUAL DEALER CONFERENCE Connecting businesses with their most important stakeholders PERSONAL FINANCE SOCIETY REGIONAL PROGRAMME Delivering a complete event package ABARTH MEDIA LAUNCH COVID-safe driving excitement with Abarth ALFA ROMEO CUSTOMER & MEDIA LAUNCH Turning restrictions into exclusive experiences ELBC Transitioning effectively to a virtual platform LANDSECStanding out in a crowded arena FIAT 500X LAUNCH A car reveal like you’ve never seen – that’s magic! IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON Helping people navigate some of life’s most important journeys INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Bringing London to life for busy delegates ROYAL COLLEGE OF ANAESTHETISTSTackling global emergencies through collaboration and knowledge sharing ALFA ROMEO PRESS LAUNCH Winning headlines in automotive and lifestyle press JOSE CUERVO #OUTWITHJOSE Amplifying word of mouth to a deafening roar! KING’S COLLEGE TRANSNATIONAL LAW SUMMIT Opening up a new front in the global struggle for human rights FIAT 500 LAUNCH TRAINING We got Fiat dealers bubbling with enthusiasm! NISSAN INNOVATION STATION Showcasing Nissan’s new technology to nearly a million people JOSE CUERVO BRAND EXPERIENCE A tequila experience like no other PHILIPS MUSEUM Transforming a factory museum into a tourist experience fit for royalty BADDelivering value-creating technology solutions VIRTUAL EVENTS Innovative, creative and effective engagement with virtual audiences European Orthodontic Society Rapid repositioning for engagement and growth in a difficult year