KING’S COLLEGETRANSNATIONAL LAW SUMMITOpening up a new front in the global struggle for human rights Inspired by the 60th anniversary of Hannah Arendt’s seminal work, The Human Condition, King’s College London’s Dickson Poon School of Law challenged TFI Lodestar to deliver an event that would result in a new Declaration of Intent in the global struggle for justice and human rights. Together, we created the ground-breaking Transnational Law Summit 2018, a comprehensive programme of lectures, panel discussions and workshops featuring world leaders in law, political science, journalism, art and literature. Central to the project was the creation of a digital collaboration tool, summit website and Event App, as well as a complex delegate registration system. A full post-event video and podcast legacy package was also created, to act as the springboard for the funding for the next iteration of the event. Our Work Next Case Study