A better way of working
When we merged our operations and re-launched as TFI Lodestar in 2021, we decided it was the perfect time to review our many policies and practices and shape them into a single coherent statement of intent. Beyond the already high quality of our work, we want to be an agency that we can all feel proud to be part of – one that tries to make a positive difference, not just to our clients, but to everyone we engage with and our world.
As individuals, we have always believed that the future of our planet and the wellbeing of its inhabitants are inextricably linked – that it’s only by thinking and acting with care and compassion that we can continue to live in a safe and prosperous world. As a company, we have decided to make this belief a founding principle.
We’re embodying our beliefs in a new framework called People & Planet. It commits us to becoming a genuinely responsible and sustainable business via a programme of policy, action, and self-education.
Our People policies are steering us towards being a company that demonstrates care and consideration – where every member of staff contributes to group diversity, all individuals’ contributions are recognized and valued, and all perspectives and experiences carry equal weight. Our recruitment procedures embrace accessibility, because we want our growing team to better represent the communities in which we operate.
We’ve developed a comprehensive training curriculum called Pathways, offering modules on everything from hybrid production technology to storytelling. We’ll be making some of these modules available to school leavers and jobseekers in our community. We have processes in place to make sure our staff feel supported in maintaining good mental health. In the post-pandemic world, we’re continuing our support for flexible working. It’s crucial that TFI Lodestar remains a productive and creative business – and that can only happen when employees’ wellbeing is nurtured and protected.
Our Planet policy seems simple – we are working towards Net Zero – but our route towards achieving this will be long and complex. We are in the process of calculating our emissions, including what are, for a business like ours, the most complicated – the Scope 3 emissions occurring across our supply and value chains. It’ll be a difficult road, and we’re taking it one step at a time. Our short-term goal is to measure, establish a baseline, and then pursue science-based targets for reduction – we are making good progress against this objective.
We’re not doing this alone. We’re working in partnership with Heart of the City, an organisation that works with businesses to help them become more responsible. And we know that we’re not the only agency striving to be better – many of our competitors, suppliers, and clients are doing it too. It’s the right thing to do, and the time to do it is now.