CORA and World Earth Day


Spring is well and truly sprung, and at TFI Lodestar we’ve been seeing the green shoots of growth right across our business and our industry. We’ve been onboarding new clients, picking up the reins of major congresses, and delivering a swathe of events for our corporate and associations clients. It’s been a fantastic Q1 and a vigorous start to Q2.

But today (April 22nd) is Earth Day, and while we’re excited about our activity so far, we’re also considering the implications of this busy-ness and the impact it makes on our planet. Since 2022 we’ve been tracking and measuring our work-related emissions via our CORA carbon tracking tool, identifying those areas where we can improve and mandating sustainable best practice across our operations teams. We’re also advising clients on how to reduce the impact of their events and helping them invest their events surpluses in sustainable projects and investments.

CORA is a name given in Ancient Greek mythology to Persephone, goddess of springtime, renewal and nature. We named our carbon tracking tool in her honour, and to remind us of the work we need to do to make sure those green shoots always keep returning.

So…happy Earth Day, and here’s to continued sustainable growth!


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